Hydrosols are also known as floral or herb water and have been used extensively for many years. The Paperbark Co. collects and bulk stores hydrosols produced during the steam distillation process used to extract essential oils from plant biomass. There is no further processing, nor any addition of preservatives. 

Applications for hydrosols may include:

  • As a fragrance in a soothing hot bath

  • Mixed with cosmetic clay to produce a facial mask

  • As a replacement for water in lotions, cosmetic recipes or hair care applications

  • As a deodoriser

  • As a linen spray

  • As a facial spritzer

  • As a cooling agent

  • As a toner

The paperbark Co. produces the following hydrosols:

  • Australian Sandalwood

  • Fragonia

  • Tea Tree

  • Honey Myrtle

  • Rosalina

  • Manuka

The hydrosols are available in 1, 5, 20 and 25 litre containers, primarily intended for use by manufacturers and practitioners.

Our hydrosols can also be made available in 1,000 litre IBC containers on request.